3 Ways to Keep the Body Endurance

Changeable weather lately cause decreased body condition. Got the flu, fever, and even typhoid often occurs. There are easy ways to keep the immune system to stay healthy in today's weather conditions. Check out info here!
Eating healthy foods and beverages that are required to be done to get the body of the prime. But sometimes this is still lacking, especially when weather conditions like today. Weather changing in one day can make a decreased immune system instantly.
Actually there are simple steps for endurance to stay awake, in addition to regular meals and of course eating a nutritious diet high. Three simple steps are:
1. Inadequate Vitamin D It turned out that vitamin D is not only good for growing bones and teeth. The need for adequate vitamin D could actually prevent your body from all diseases. Ranging from flu to cancer. Vitamin D can be obtained naturally from the sun while the food can be from eggs, liver and fish, as well as milk and margarine are fortified with vitamin D.
Studies conducted in Japan on 300 children who were given vitamin D supplements showed about 40% probability level flu smaller. Based on research, this possibility can be obtained because vitamin D can stimulate immune cells to fight viruses and bacteria.
2. Meet the Needs Daily Fiber Those who consume water-soluble fiber in six weeks, was able to keep the body from bacterial attack than those taking a combined fiber. Water-soluble fiber can be from fruits that taste sour, apples, carrots, beans, and oatmeal. All foods that can prevent inflammation, as was said Christina Sherry, Ph.D., RD, researcher University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Make sure you get your body as much as 25-38 grams of fiber each day.
3. Keep your body weight To maintain endurance, in addition to the food turned out pretty affect a person's body weight. As research conducted at Tufts University, adults who have excess weight are encouraged to go on a diet to reduce calories by 50%. It turns out that the ideal body weight make the immune system works better than those who are obese. So it's good to control the amount of food intake to avoid excess body weight and not susceptible to disease.
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